jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

Dear “Diego y Glot”

I've never really enjoyed watching TV, I'm bored enough and I prefer to do other things, however, there was a series that I loved when I was a kid, this series was great, I even saw it with my parents and I commented it with my friends from the school. "Diego and Glot", in my opinion, has been the best animated series that has been made in Chile, played with an ironic humor and laughed intelligently of ourselves the Chileans, showed the Chilean culture, the idioms, ways of talking about any family in the country, without exactly representing the culture of other countries, which often does not resemble our own, this is what attracted me most because I felt very close.
it was a family, the Plá Pérez where his center was his youngest son Diego and his dog Quiltro verde Glot, then through them different stories and adventures are developed that are caused by their concerns and the stimuli of an 11 year old boy , shows how it relates in school, with friends and family.
They broadcast it for about 4 years but unfortunately they stopped transmitting it from one day to the next and it was very sad ... from there I have not watched television so passionately. I hope they will broadcast the chapters again so that the children of the new generations can get to know this wonderful local artistic work. ah! and what I forgot to mention is that it had very good music where even "Los Prisioneros" and "Los Tres" songs were played

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